Lending Library

Description of our Library
The ICAN of Greater Cleveland Library has over 60 titles, including books, videos, and articles related to virtually all the aspects of the birthing process. We have current information as well as “classic” material, and we work to keep it updated with annual purchasing. We welcome donations of appropriate materials and suggestions for resources to be purchased. We consider our Library to be a valuable resource in our mission.
Rules and Regulations for Library Use
The ICAN of Greater Cleveland  Library is a privilege of membership to ICAN, and we encourage its use. While our entire Library list is available here, a large sampling of the Library is brought to monthly meetings. Materials may be borrowed on a meeting-to-meeting basis. Each resource has a sign-out card that must be filled out with the member’s name, phone, and date that is to be returned to the chapter librarian. Members may contact the librarian in advance via phone or the web site for a specific title to be brought to a meeting or to borrow between meetings. While our Library is free, we do appreciate your timely return of materials so that others may use them as well.

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